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Preparing your Samsung Galaxy Phone for Sale or Trade

You will need to remove your Google account from any Samsung Device before resetting the device itself to Factory Defaults .

But be careful on newer devices – those running Android 5.0 or later – it is easy to also activate something called 'Android Device Protection'.

This is essentially a 'kill switch', created to reduce phone theft. If you factory-reset your Galaxy without removing the Google account, you'll be asked for it once the reset finishes - and if you can't remember it - your phone becomes a doorstop.

You'll have to remove the account from your phone if you want to sell it or trade it in, as the phone will be pretty much unusable with the Android Device Protection lock turned on.

How to remove the Google Account

You might need to turn off your phone's security before removing the Google account, so follow these steps first.

remove google account 1 

1. Start off by going into your Apps.

remove google account 2 

2. Tap on Settings.

remove google account 3 

3.Once in Settings, tap the Lock screen and security section.

remove google account 4

4.Tap on Screen lock type.

remove google account 5 

5. Type in your Pin, pattern or password.

remove google account 6 

6. Tap on Swipe at the top.

remove google account 7 

7. Tap Remove Data.

remove google account 8

8. Tap Remove.

Once you've taken off your security, you should be able to remove your Google account.

remove google account 9 

9. Go back to the main Settings screen, and tap Cloud and accounts.

remove google account 10 

10. Tap on Accounts.

remove google account 11

11. Tap your Google account.

remove google account 12 

12. Tap the three dots in the top-right corner.

remove google account 13 

13. Tap Remove account.

remove google account 14

14. Tap Remove account again to confirm it.


Your Google account will have been removed from your Samsung Galaxy phone