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Wavebird - Nintendo Gamecube

Wavebird - Nintendo Gamecube
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Official Nintendo Wavebird Controller and Reciever

The WaveBird Wireless Controller is Nintendo's long-touted wireless GameCube controller, capable of working at distances up to 10 meters, or 30 feet. The device transmits RF signals over more than a dozen selectable channels to a receiver plug that fits into one of the controller slots on a GameCube console. The RF standard enables the wireless connection to stand true - even under the covers or behind a wall. And because of the different channel frequencies, it's even possible to hook 4 WaveBirds up to a single machine, enabling a totally cordless multiplayer experience. Wouldn't it be nice to play games without a cord stretching across your living-room floor, especially if you have little kids or large dogs in your household? Nintendo's Wave Bird isn't the first wireless controller ever brought to market, but it's a whole lot better than what came before. You may remember a brief fad a few years ago with spotty infrared devices. These units failed because they were a lot heavier than standard controllers, and also because they required a direct line of sight between the controller and the infrared receiver. The Wave Bird is much lighter (it weighs a bit more than a regular controller) and uses radio frequency signals for reliable game control at distances of up to 20 feet. Unless your playing on a stadium-size TV screen, that should be more than enough. The unit will last for about 100 hours of use on just two AA batteries and has 16 channel frequencies, so you'll easily be able to hook up four controllers without interference.


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