The Toukiden series tells the tale of humanity's last stand for survival against demonic, soul-devouring Oni. As revealed in Toukiden: The Age of Demons, humanity was protected for centuries by a secret clan of warriors, the Slayers, trained to dispose of the supernatural threat before it could consume the world. An event known as the Awakening caused rifts to appear in space and time - resurfacing places that had long disappeared from the world and unleashing swarms of Oni that relentlessly hunted humans.
Set shortly after the events detailed in Toukiden: Kiwami, Toukiden 2 introduces an all-new, captivating narrative featuring a compelling cast of companions and more devious demons to defeat. Players will step into the shoes of a Slayer tasked with saving humankind by carrying out special quests to reduce the monstrous hordes and liberate Oni-infested areas. Toukiden 2 boasts a vast and extensive open world full of danger and wonder, and takes the player deep into enemy territory. Slayers and Oni will battle it out in the Otherworld, a tormented battleground divided into six distinct Ages. Revisit the redesigned Ages of Yore, Grace, Honor, War, Peace and Chaos, each distinctively representing an era of Japanese history, and discover more about the Oni threat and your character's unique role in its resolution!
- The sequel to the popular demon-hunting RPG Toukiden
- Revamped battlefields and the rich lore of the Toukiden series
- New characters join players on their journey
- All-new, captivating narrative featuring a compelling cast of companions and more devious demons to defeat
- Carry out special quests to reduce the monstrous hordes and liberate Oni-infested areas
- Vast and extensive open world full of danger and wonder
See also
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