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Tao's Adventure

Tao's Adventure
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Take on the role of Tao, a young magical student trying to master the Magical Arts. One day, the Demon Seal from a faraway Monster Tower cracked and let loose hoards of ferocious ancient monsters. In Tao's village, the village of the Bente Island, an extremely powerful monster curses the townspeople, including Tao's family, turning them all into stone. Tao must find a way to master the art of magic, repair the Demon Seal, destroy the curse and save his family.
In order to break the curse, Tao must find the monster egg of the ancient monster that cursed his family, Straitser. With that egg, he can return to the village and the last remaining elders can break the evil curse, although if Tao does not return by the next full moon, the curse will never be broken.


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