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Super Mario 64

Super Mario 64
  • Super Mario 64 ds
  • ds16
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  • Super Mario 64 was a genre-defining classic. Now it arrives on the Nintendo DS with all-new features that take advantage of the new portable system's dual screens, touch screen and wireless features! Mario, Luigi and Wario are invited to a royal party for Princess Peach. When they arrive at the castle, it is strangely empty and the 3 of them try to learn what happened. When they disappear too, Yoshi must rescue them from their old enemy Bowser. Play as Yoshi, Mario, Luigi or Wario -- each has their own unique abilities and you'll need them all Collect the 150 Power Star Bowser hid on the castle grounds In Adventure Mode, you'll control the four friends by using the stylus on the touch-screen Play and win fun touch-sensitive mini-games Battle up to three friends in Wireless Versus mode, which can be played with only one Super Mario 64 DS game card
  • The game has 30 more stars to earn than the original Nintendo 64 game.
  • The Nintendo DS version features several minigame challenges that utilize the touch sensitive screen
  • Wireless link-up with up to 4 players. Only one copy of the game needed!


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