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SpongeBob Squarepants The Movie

SpongeBob Squarepants The Movie
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There's trouble in Bikini Bottom! Someone has stolen King Neptune's crown and it appears as though Mr. Krabs is the culprit. Despite being passed over for a promotion by Mr. Krabs, Spongebob and his faithful but dimwitted friend Patrick volunteer to make the perilous journey, to Shell City (a place no one had ever returned from) to retrieve the crown and save Mr. Krabs life. The game comes with 6 huge, movie inspired 3D environments to explore, including bonus levels, hidden items and other secret rewards, earn points to get the coolest power-ups ever like the "Cartwheel Attack", "Electric Guided Sonic Wave Guitar" and the "Macho Bowl". Join out heroes on an epic and comedic quest to unexplored territory and see Spongebob and Patrick as you've never seen them before.


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