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Sonic Rush Adventure

Sonic Rush Adventure
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Sonic returns to the Nintendo DS with all the classic 2D, dual-screen action from Sonic Rush, as well as a new high-seas adventure where he clashes with ruthless pirates.

As Sonic, set off from Windmill Village to explore seven islands for action-packed adventures spread across a large map.

As you venture you will discover valuable items and materials that Tails can use to build new ships, helping Sonic track down the villainous pirates in a variety of ways. With a fleet of up to five ships, including a submarine, a water bike and a hovercraft, you will use the touchscreen technology in exciting new ways to control your ships as you race across the ocean gathering rings, busting tricks and torching pirate ships in fierce ship-to-ship battles.

At the end of each level, test your skills in epic 3D boss battles that span both screens, including the ultimate showdown with evil pirate Captain Whisker.


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