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Smarty Pants: Trivia Fun for Everyone

Smarty Pants: Trivia Fun for Everyone
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From the EA Casual Entertainment label, Smarty Pants finally levels the playing field for people of all ages, allowing simultaneous play using age-targeted trivia plus action-based gestures, making it a truly trans-ge­nera­tional game made exclusively of the WiiTM.Tailoring questions to the contestant's age, gamers from eight to eighty can join in on the fun all at the same time. Every player's answer is tracked, and the game automatically adjusts the difficulty level to provide continous stimultion and interactive challenges that are age appropriate. Exciting Wii gestures make everything a game, from spinning the category wheel and tug-of-wars over correct answers, to ~dance-offs~ for additional points.Smarty Pants boasts multiple game modes including a family mode, a single team race against time and a rapid-fire competitive mode perfect for groups of friends. With both competitive and collaborative game modes and 20,000 questions in multiple categories, the fun is virtually endless!


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