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Sims 2

Sims 2
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Custom Content Creation: Collect and concoct unique food recipes to affect any Sim's needs: make a tired Sim awake, make a sad Sim happy; make a Sim fall in love. Tailor fashions to your personal tastes too. Everything you create determines how well your Sims survive and thrive.Memories and Awareness: Sims now have memories and are aware of their surroundings, adding a dimension to managing their relationships. Will Sims get jealous, cower in fear, or intimidate each other? Two-player: Play in co-op mode with your friends with the split screen functionality all the while maintaining your own unique wants and fears.Explore Everything: Nested interactions within objects let Sims uncover opportunities throughout. What's hidden in the couch? How can you whip the crowd into a frenzy at the DJ booth? Leave no stone unturned...or lamp unrubbed....


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