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Prison Architect

Prison Architect
  • Prison-Architect-XB1
  • Prison Architect SS01
  • Prison Architect SS02
  • Prison Architect SS03
  • Prison Architect SS04
  • Prison Architect SS05
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Constructing and managing prisons has never been more fun, and now this critically acclaimed game owned by well over 1 million PC gamers across the world is being painstakingly recreated for console by Double Eleven! Inspired by Dungeon Keeper and Sim City, Prison Architect is the world's best lock-em-up!

  • Play through 5 engrossing chapters of Prison Architect's campaign, Prison Tales!
  • Build and manage your own unique prisons, with thousands of tools and tweakable options, that grants you an unpre­ced­en­ted­level of custo­misa­bility!
  • Share your prisons with the online community via Worls of Wardens! Explore other player's prisons, and take on the challenge of managing their creations!

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