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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
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…when instock


* Play five intriguing cases

* Two distinct gameplay segments: investigation and court

* Colorful cast of characters

Meet Phoenix Wright, a rookie defense lawyer with the wildest cross-examination skills in town. Take on five intriguing cases to reveal dramatic, stunning, and even comical court proceedings. Use both the dual screen and touch screens to investigate crime scenes, question witnesses and present shocking evidence. You won t be able to put down this riveting and suprisingly over-the-top adventure!
Meet Phoenix Wright, a rookie defense lawyer with the wildest cross-examination skills in town. Take on five intriguing cases to reveal dramatic, stunning, and even comical court proceedings. Use both the dual screen and touch screens to investigate crime scenes, question witnesses and present shocking evidence. You won t be able to put down this riveting and suprisingly over-the-top adventure!


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