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Persona 3 Reload

Persona 3 Reload
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Step into the shoes of a transfer student thrust into an unexpected fate when entering the hour "hidden" between one day and the next. Awaken an incredible power and chase the mysteries of the Dark Hour, fight for your friends, and leave a mark on their memories forever.

Persona 3 Reload is a captivating reimagining of the genre-defining RPG, reborn for the modern era.

  • Experience the pivotal game of the Persona series faithfully remade with cutting-edge graphics, modernized quality-of-life features, and signature stylish UI.
  • Fully immerse yourself in an emotional, gripping journey with new scenes and character interactions, additional voiceover, and a reloaded soundtrack.
  • Choose how to meaningfully spend each day through various activities from exploring the expansive Tatsumi Port Island to forging genuine bonds with beloved characters.
  • Build and command your optimal team to take down otherworldly Shadows and climb closer to the truth.


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