Embark on an adventure in the newest instalment of the Utawarerumono series, Monochrome Mobius: Rights and Wrongs Forgotten! The quiet life of Oshtor, a young man living in the frontier province of Ennakamuy, is abruptly shattered when he encounters a mysterious young girl named Shunya. She informs Oshtor that his father, whom he had thought was deceased, is actually alive and currently in the land of Arva Shulan–a mystifying country that doesn’t appear on any maps. Guided by his morals, Oshtor joins Shunya and embarks on a journey to discover the truth behind his father’s strange circumstances. Traverse the world of Monochrome Mobius and immerse yourself in classic turn-based RPG gameplay with a modern twist! Explore dungeons, and complete quests for EXP and items, then customise your equipment and “invest” in shops in order to improve the items they sell and the items you can own. Experience the legacy of Monochrome Mobius brought to life through a combination of 2D anime-style illustrations and detailed 3D models with animation that will draw you deeper into the story and the world!
- Noteworthy Narrative: The deep, engaging story brings the world to life through a detailed and thoughtful narrative.
- Alluring Animation: A combination of 2D anime-style illustrations and detailed 3D models will draw you deeper into the story.
- Classic RPG Charm: Enjoy classic turn-based RPG gameplay and systems with modern quality of life features.
- Utawarerumono Legacy: Celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Utawarerumono series with this thrilling new instalment!
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