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Megaman ZX

Megaman ZX
  • Megaman ZX DS
  • ds273
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In Mega Man ZX, hundreds of years have passed since the battles between humans and Reploids (robots). After fierce wars between the two sides, peace was finally restored and the two groups were able to establish various cooperative nations within the “Inner” area of the universe. However, danger zones remained in the undeveloped “Outer” section where independently evolved robots called “Mavericks” began wreaking havoc. A group called the Serpent Company scours the Outer universe to provide energy created from otherwise unattainable items to the Inner population and also serves to protect these peaceful nations from Maverick attacks over the years. On an excursion to the Outer region, they discover relics of ancient technologies in the ruins. These relics, called Biometals, are living, conscious materials, with records of information and weapon data from history housed within.


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