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Madden NFL 2004

Madden NFL 2004
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In its 14th year and with over 28 million copies sold, Madden NFL Football once again proves its status as the undisputed leader in authentic NFL football simulation. With a primary focus on in-game graphics, incredible depth, visual presentation, and tournament tested gameplay, this season Madden NFL 2004 continues to demonstrate why it's the definitive interactive sports gaming experience. New features include revolutionary Playmaker Control that lets gamers adjust on the fly just as NFL players do, deep Owner Mode options, and improved online play for the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system. Revolutionary Playmaker Control: Just like NFL players on the field, gamers now have more control over the action before and during the play with intuitive right stick adjustments. With Playmaker Pre-Play Control, use the right stick to quickly change plays, routes, or defensive coverage. After the snap, use the right stick to call out blocks, direct receivers, and make quick adjustments on defence.


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