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Lion King, The

Lion King, The
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~Based on the blockbuster animated feature film, Disney's ~The Lion King~ brings to life the majesty of Africa through the tale of Simba, a lion cub. Using animators from the Disney Studios and music from the movie soundtrack the videogame takes you to Pride Rock.Fight your way through 10 levels as Simba to the ultimate battle with the evil Uncle Scar. Tackle heinous hyenas in the Elephant's Graveyard, avoid the wildebeests' hooves in the side-scrolling version of the movie's stampede scene. Play the bonus levels as Simba's friends in exile, Pumbaa the Warthog and Timon the Meerkat.The partnership of Disney Software and Virgin Interactive Entertainment combine with Sega to make this game the new standard in animation and interactive entertainment.~


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