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Hotel Dusk: Room 215

Hotel Dusk: Room 215
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Los Angeles, 1979. Players take the role of Kyle Hyde, an ex-cop turned salesman trying to track down a missing friend. Clues lead to an eerie, old hotel rumored to have one very strange room – a room where wishes are granted. Players check in and get ready for a night of surprises as they meet a cast of unusual characters and try to unravel the mystery in Hotel Dusk: Room 215, a gritty new graphic adventure for the Nintendo DS.

•Players hold their Nintendo DS like a book and use the touch screen to grill characters, search for clues and solve mystifying puzzles.

•Players follow the plot twists and turns as they hunt for their missing friend and investigate the mysteries of Hotel Dusk.

Special powers/­weapons/­moves/­features:

The DS system is held like a book, which allows characters on the screens to face left or right for more realistic conversations. The unique controls let even novices enjoy themselves. The unique hand-drawn character portraits and their animations are in black and white, making them exceedingly distinctive and able stand out, graphically speaking, from the rest of the game. In the tradition of Another Code, the use of the DS to solve riddles is alive and well in Hotel Dusk: Room 215.


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