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Gamecube Nintendo Official 251 Block Memory Card

Gamecube Nintendo Official 251 Block Memory Card
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The GameCube, like the PlayStation and Dreamcast before it, gets its game data from unwriteable disc media, so, unlike Nintendo's cartridge-based games of yore, you'll need this accessory to save your place in the game, store your preferences, and preserve the stats of your sports games etc. The official GameCube 251 Slot Memory Card is really small--about the size and weight of a poker chip--and is divided into 251 blocks; each game's save files take up a differing amount of memory--usually three to five, but sometimes up to 40 blocks--so this should be enough to save information for at least twenty or thirty different games.

  • Official Nintendo memory card for GameCube
  • Flash Memory storage
  • More than 4 times the space of Nintendo's Memory Card 59
  • Saves your place in games, as well as preferences and sports team statistics
  • Durable, compact design


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