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Donkey Konga 2 (No Bongos)

Donkey Konga 2 (No Bongos)
  • Donkey Konga 2
  • gc434
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Dust off your bongos and get ready to clap and pat along in time to all the latest tunes! Donkey Kong is back for more crazy music making, in the sequel to last year’s smash hit Donkey Konga. This time round there is a new selection of music to be enjoyed, including pop, rock, classical and video game themes. Donkey Konga 2: Hit Song Parade also features two entirely new modes of play, one in which up to four players compete to complete a string of moves as fast as possible, the other in which players memorise increasingly difficult sequences of moves. This game guarantees musical fun and hours of amusement!


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