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The following information regarding the Deadpool game on Xbox One is straight from Deadpool himself...

I’m not sure if you can hear me over how awesome I am, so listen closely.

There are a few important things I need to say before you crack into the insanely sweet game: (Oof. Here we go again.) I’m a mercenary with an accelerated healing factor. I’ve been described as unstable, which is just plain coo-coo. (Wait, do sane people say coo-coo?) I hunger for two things, chimichangas and more chimichangas (mmm… chimichangas) I’m gonna battle for the safety of humans and mutants. (And even mumans.) So yeah, be prepared for just about anything. (Holla!)

  • I made sure to capture all my good sides, so I made my game a third-person action-shooter. (Yep, you get to look at my heinie.)
  • Keep a look out cuz some of my X-Men pals (Whoa, what pals?!?) will be making an appearance. (As long as you don’t mind picking hair out of your tacos.)
  • I’m really good at killing, so I made it a blast stringing together combos, jumping from really REALLY high places, and totally eviscerating my enemies. (Ev-is-cer-a-ting!)
  • I brought my skills and a buttload of my favorite things. Katanas (check), guns (bang!) explosives (boom), duct tape (quack) and of course yours truly—ME! (Checkmate!)

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