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Crisis Zone & G-Con2 Bundle

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Crisis Zone is a fast paced first-person action shooter game, the game is based on the classic arcade version with exclusive new features and levels for Playstation 2- most notably unique 'double gun-play' allowing players to choose whether to use one or two guns to blast their way to victory! Crisis Zone takes place in the recently opened Garland complex on the outskirts of London after the group of terrorist called U.R.D.A had taken over the entire area. Their motives have yet to be discovered but as elite S.T.F (Special Tactics Force) coun­ter-ter­rorism officer Claude McGarren the players mission is to help secure Garland Square and suppress the U.R.D.A terrorists by whatever means necessary. Armed with a bullet-proof riot shield and a snub-machine gun, McGarren must eliminate any terrorist threats encountered through environments including shopping malls parks and office buildings. With addictive double-gun action and such a fantastic array of hardware, Crisis Zone will keep you hooked so get ready to have some serious fun!


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