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Brain Assist

Brain Assist
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Focusing on strengthening the right hemisphere of the brain by challenging the player’s memory, concentration, reflexes, deduction and analytical abilities, Brain Assist features four nurses to choose from to act as guides and help players through the game. Each game increases in difficulty and demands that players think fast to truly maximise their memory’s potential and response times. Players will then be put to the test again in the “Lightning Round” where the pace and difficulty of gameplay becomes even more challenging. Brain Assist takes full advantage of the Nintendo DS Touch Screen technology and allows for an addictive interactive gameplay experience in either two-player co-op mode or fast-paced competitions for up to four players via the Nintendo DS Wireless Connection.
“Giving your brain a workout is important no matter what your age, especially if you want to increase those IQ points” said Gary Knight, European Marketing Director, SEGA Europe. “Brain Assist is easy to pick up and play, and being on the DS means you can exercise your mind wherever you go!”


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