Following their defeat of Nene, a tyrannical remnant of the Ancients, Shu and his friends hoped the battle was over. After one year passes, the world consists of a myriad of "cubes" that exploded from the planet's depths when it split open in the course of the battle with Nene. And when King Jibral spies a strange phenomenon emerging from a mysterious, distant cube — the enormous and sinister Shadow of a Balaur, a three-headed dragon — it proves to be a harbinger of further turmoil to come.Key Game Features:
* Enter a thrilling single-player campaign featuring more than 30 hours of gameplay
* Control up to 16 humans and Mecha Robos in your quest to defeat your enemies
* Strengthen your units by altering their composition and equipping them with items
* Engage in thrilling real-time battles and shadow fights
* Enhance the fast-paced action with compelling RPG elements, including item collection, character progression and robot customizations
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