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Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing
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The ambitious Animal Crossing allows players to interact with a virtual village ofanimals who are doing something different every minute of every day. WithAnimal Crossing's 24-hour clock, the game's unique events can be in synchwith real time -- as day turns to night in the real world, the sun will also begin toset in the game.­>­BR>­Seasons will change and special events will occur in real time, too. Thedynamic setup will have players coming back every day to carry out their dailyroutines, build relationships with villagers, celebrate special days, collec­tfur­nis­hings for their homes and just live life in an innovative experience that's aworld of its own.
When you're playing Animal Crossing and link your GCN to the GBA, you'll beable to sail to a special island that appears only when you connect the twosystems. Once you've finished scouring the island, you can sail back to theGCN game with all the unique goodies you've found on your voyage. Gamerswill also be able to load their personalized character from the Memory Cardonto a friend's Animal Crossing game and visit their pal's unique village.


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